Saturday, November 2, 2013

Prevent Gas formation in our Body

Prevent Gas formation in our Body

The Gas was formed in our Human body due to the Digestion Problems and Some foods are also cause for the Gas formation, Simple reasons like improper cleaning of the Vegetables, and Fast Eating makes the Gas to be Formed in the Stomach.

Gas is not harmful, But it irritates you,A part form this Foods the point to be Noted is Chew your Food Neatly, it will makes the Digestive System work smaller and we get the Proper Digestion

Some Foods that Prevent the Gas Formation in your body is given below

1) Consumption of the Ginger will Soothens your Stomach and help in your Digestion, it Reduces the Excessive  Gas Formation

2) A Teaspoon of Raw Honey will Prevents the Excessive Gas Formation

3) If you are feeling that your Foods are not digested properly, Just add Peppermint leaves to the Tea or else Chew the Leaves, it will prevents the Gas formation

4) Water, just like flushing in the Washbasin our Body also needs the Water to do it

5) Pineapple is an tasty fruit that helps your Food to Break down which leads to the Easier Digestion

6) Avoid some Diary products like Milk, if you are Suffering with Excessive Gas Formation

7) As Onions and Garlic are high in Sulfur, it will forms More Gas, so Better to avoid it

8) Excess of Beans will lead to Gas, so better to avoid it

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