Saturday, November 2, 2013

Glowing Skin


There are many factors that can cause damages to your skin, complexion and face. Luckily there are many tips available which can help reduce problem skin and end up giving you the healthy skin you are looking for and need. 

We have put together most of the best tips and many useful facts you may not be aware of to help you achieve that goal. These tips for glowing skin can be easily accomplished if you follow these steps we have outlined in this article for you. 

Most of these suggestions and recommendations we have put together only require that you do simple things which will vastly improve the overall health and looks of your skin. There are many toxins, dirt, chemicals and particles which can contribute to the deterioration of the health of your skin and face.  This means that walking around doing daily chores, working and performing menial routines can be damaging your skin without you being aware of most of them.

 If you follow the steps and suggestions pinpointed in this article then these great tips for glowing skin are sure to help make a difference in helping you get the clear skin

How to Get Clear Skin

Exercising works

We all know that exercising regularly can greatly improve your health and prolong your life. But Many people are not aware of the benefits exercising on regular basis can do for your skin. Even the most moderate of exercising routines can have a tremendous effect on your skin due to the following reasons. For one, exercising regularly can help to relieve stress, fight toxins and improve your stamina. Number two, exercising helps to improve circulation and blood flow in your body. This in turn helps to give you smooth and healthy glowing skin. Consider this one of the most important tips when it comes to having and keeping healthy skin.

Avoid the sun, but not altogether either.

If you must go in the sun then be sure to use sunscreen. One of the top causes of premature skin aging comes from the sun. Not only that; the sun can actually worsen other skins conditions you may have. Be sure that the sunscreen you use has at least SPF 15 or more if you frequent the outdoors a great deal or stay out in the sun regularly. However, this does not mean that you should avoid the sun completely. The reason for that is simple; sunlight triggers the synthesis of vitamin D within the body. Researchers at Stanford University found that this action in turn causes immune cells to travel to the outer layers of our skin. Once there they are available to help combat and repair any damage that can be caused by too much sun exposure as well as other factors. Moderation is the key.

Avoid Stress - It is bad for the skin.

Many people with problem skin are not aware that one of the leading causes for skin damage is largely due to stress. Stress can also affect your health as well for that matter. If you do have stress (We all do) then there are several ways for you to cope with this. Some of the best tips for helping to fight stress are yoga, deep breathing, meditation and visualization. Try closing your eyes and counting to ten real slowly then reverse the steps by counting back down from ten to one as you concentrate on your breathing.

Don't ever squeeze pimples, or pick at any sores on face

When we ask how to get clear skin and maintain it, sometimes we do not realize that we can end up being our skins' worse enemy. This is because most of us tend to ignore crucial recommendations such as the following. One of the hardest tips or advice to follow when it comes to tips on having clear & healthy skin is avoiding to pick at your pimples or sores. It is extremely tempting to squeeze pimples or sores on your face. To make matters worse, once the squeezing and popping pimples starts it is very hard to stop. This can lead to an even bigger outbreak as you will spread the bacteria to other parts of your face. So try very hard to keep yourself from popping those pimples and picking at sores.

Use pure soap; wash your face at least twice a day

If you use soaps full of deodorants, additives and ingredients which can clog your skin and keep it from being healthy then you are doing yourself, your body and skin a disservice. Avoid using anything other than pure soap to wash your face and be sure to do so at least twice during the day.

Treat yourself to a day spa at least once every two months

Your skin is one of the most important parts of your body so why not treat it as such? Taking a trip the spa or a skin treatment center at least once a month can greatly improve your skin condition and give you theglowing skin you desirre. This is an even more important tip to follow especially if you work out in the open during the day. If you do not have time to cleanse your own skin on a regular basis, going to a spa can do the trick.

Drink lots of water. It hydrates the body - and the skin

Many people are not aware that Poor diets will cause toxins to accumulate in the organism. This ends up hurting your healthand skin. Drinking plenty of water daily will help combat those toxins and Keep your skin healthy. as well as improving your skin's complexion. Try to drink at least four to six glasses of water each day. This amount is what you should be drinking during winter time. During the hot summer months or when doing exercises try to drink up to eight to ten glasses of water. 
Tip: Adding Lemon to your water will help improve your skin as well.

The human body needs at least eight good hours of sleep each day in order to maintain healthy skin and good health as well. Sleeping less than that can lead to stress, bags under your eyes and other health problems. (see our article 'Tips for Better Sleeping') The best tips for this are to try and sleep with a pillow so your head will end up at a higher level than the rest of your body. Also be sure and try to sleep on your back as this will help you to avoid getting sleeping wrinkles.

A great tip for glowing skin is avoiding the club or night life. While we all love to party and have a good time things such as alcohol, drugs, smoking and hanging out late at night can do great damage to your skin. Smoking is one of the worst enemies for healthy skin. Cigarettes will cause your face and skin to age at a faster rate than those of non smokers. The same can be said for drugs and alcohol. 
Tip: Eat yogurt as a way to counter any late night activities.

Knowing how to get clear skin and maintain it means being aware of those things that can damage your face. One of the worse things you can do to the health of your skin is to go to sleep with make-up on. It is a must for you to always cleanse and wash your face before going to bed each night; even if you do not have makeup Product on your face. Good habits can lead to great results. Get into the routine of cleansing and exfoliating your skin at least once a week. Also, after exfoliating the skin be sure to use a facial mask.
Tip: Try using a moisturizer during the day to help battle the toxins which attack the skin as well as using a nutritive during the night.
In the event that you have aged skin then the best suggestion is to use an anti-aging skin serum to help you.

Aloe Vera 80% Cream - 2 oz. 

  Keep your hair and hands off your face as much as possible

Your hair can catch hundreds of thousands of particles as you walk about during the day. This is even more of a problem for women with longer hair. This means that all the bacteria and particles your hair picks up can end up touching and landing on your face. If it is too windy outside then be sure to keep your hair tied or so that it won’t touch your face. People have a tendency to touch their hair and then put their hands on their face soon after. Avoid touching your face unless you have washed your hands first.

People do not realize that the more layers of cosmetics they add to their faces the worst it is for their skin. These cosmetics will clog up your pores and end up suffocating your skin in return. Try and use lighter foundations or even tinted moisturizers as well. Remember that less is more.

Know your skin.

This is very important if you tend to buy products for your skin. Knowing what kind of skin you have can help to make sure you are using the right skin care products for your face.

The best way to win a battle against anything that causes us damage is by knowing the sources which can hurt us and neutralizing them. We hope that you have found some of the advice, tips and suggestions on this article useful. It is our wish that these tips for glowing skin will help you get and maintain the healthier, glowing skin you want. Now that you know how to get clear skin we hope these tips will help you achieve your goal.

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