Saturday, December 14, 2013

Want to lose weight? Eat negative calorie foods

Want to lose weight? Eat negative calorie foods

Some foods require more energy to be digested when compared to what they provide; such foods are called negative calorie foods. So fill your tummy with some negative calorie foods to prevent overeating.
Negative calorie foods are foods that burn more calories in the process of chewing and digestion when compared to the number of calories it provides the body. Eating such foods creates a calorie-deficit in the system, which can aid weight loss. The term ‘negative calories’, however, can be misleading as it might suggest that such foods have no calories at all, which is not true.

How do negative calorie foods work?

First of all, it is important to understand that all foods we eat burn calories. About 10-15% of calories from the foods we eat are used in the process of digestion. The body requires energy to breakdown and absorb proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and other nutrients present in our food, and it derives this energy from the food we eat. 

There are certain foods that require lots of calories (energy) to break down and get absorbed. Some of these foods contain very few calories and, therefore, force the body to call upon its energy sources in the form of stored fat and glucose to finish processing the food. Such foods are called zero or negative calorie foods.

But then, eating a bowl of cucumber alone will not help in weight loss. You have to eat them instead of potato chips and brownies. In other words, you can’t eat a chocolate muffin and then try to burn off the calories by chasing it with a bowl of cucumber. The only way to make this work is to eat that bowl of cucumber first, leaving very little or no space for that sinful muffin.

Garlic: Garlic has long been used in cooking, for both its full-bodied flavor and its healthy properties. Garlic has strong anti-bacterial effects, helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and unhealthy fat levels in the body. Now there’s a good reason why the ubiquitous ginger-garlic paste is found in dishes across every region in India.

Curry leaves: Curry leaves help reduce LDL levels in the body and are a great way to detox. They also help reduce fat deposits in the body, a great aid to any weight-loss program. So add a few curry leaves into your curry or dal for a dose of great flavor and good health.

Cabbage: Cabbage is a great antioxidant, and makes a great accompaniment to heavy meat dishes. It also slows down the conversion of carbs and sugar into fat, so makes for a great aid to your weight loss plan. Eat it raw or cooked, but make sure it’s a part of your meal.

Chillies: Chillies are another great ingredient to ramp up your metabolic rate and burn that excess fat. The component capsaicin generates heat and boosts metabolism, helping burn calories for upto 20 minutes after your meal.

Buttermilk: Buttermilk is a drink full of good health, and easy to make at home. It provides the body with essential nutrients and is very low on fat and calorie content. Chop up from fresh coriander and green chillies to it, add a little salt and pepper, and you have a refreshing, healthy homemade drink.

Honey: A spoonful of honey with warm water is a great way to start your mornings. Honey helps burn fat and is a widely used home-remedy for obesity.


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